2002: August and September, more heat!
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After a bunch of local flying, I decided one Saturday morning to go see my friend Larry R. and his wife Anne at their newly purchased condo in Glens Falls, NY. Remember, it was Larry who got me started flying!cgf-gfl.jpg
Image courtesy of "Great Circle Mapper."
It is nice to have the freedom and flexibility to jump in a plane and go see a friend for lunch, even 420 miles away. Shows what is possible when you plane cruises at 200 mph.

Anyway, Larry was waiting when I landed and we had lunch at the airport, GFL. Then we drove to the condo to meet Anne and her sister and just generally goofed around. Later, they drove me back to the airport where Larry and Anne again went wild with their camera.

I was one hot and damp person by then.
Photo by Larry R.
A couple of weeks later, in early September, I fetched friends Rob and Ann L. from Akron-Fulton Int'l airport, AKR, where they had to leave their Tiger for a pitot-static system check.

I was a bit late getting there which gave Rob time to set up for my arrival photo.
Photo by Rob or Ann.
Of course, with the camera aimed at me it was not one of my better landings...n464m_09_02-2.jpg
Photo by Rob or Ann.
My next trip was on Friday the 13th. I had been invited to give a talk at the fall meeting of The Radiological And Medical Physics Society of New York, a.k.a. RAMPS (an AAPM chapter). The meeting was to be held at the New York Academy of Sciences in Manhattan.

The weather forecasts were good so I planned to fly to Teterboro, NJ, TEB, and take a Limo into Manhattan. That all worked as planned, except that TEB was using a cross-wind runway perhaps to keep their traffic away from the heavy traffic at Newark. Anyway, not a pretty landing in the gusty cross-wind. At least it was a safe landing :-)
Image courtesy of Flight Route Calculator at Landings.com
I got to spend the afternoon with another colleague, Howard A. he gave me a tour of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Afterwards, we walked over to the Academy for dinner and my talk. Finally, it was back to the Helmsley Medical Towers for flight planning and some sleep. Little did I know what the next day would bring...

The weather forecasts had predicted good weather in Cleveland 'till Saturday night. Wanting to get home well before the bad weather, I had the Limo pick me up at 7:15 AM (ugh!). At TEB I went to the weather room and discovered violent thunderstorms in progress over Cleveland right then!

Time for plan B. The weather was ugly in Cleveland and NW PA. It was also bad further south in VA. There was a gap leading to W. VA! I took advantage of the gap and filed an IFR plan to CKB, Benedum Airport in Clarksburg WV. It was a far more zig-zag course that shown to the right, but an uneventful flight. After a couple of hours on the ground eating lunch from a vending machine, the weather in Cleveland cleared and I filed and launched. The trip home was fine, finishing with an ILS 24 in 2000 and 4 (2000' ceiling and 4mi visibility).
Image courtesy of Flight Route Calculator at Landings.com
Toward the end of September I made my first visit to G-Force Aviation at Akron-Canton airport, CAK. G-Force is an Authorized Cirrus Service Center and it was time to get some warrantee items taken care of.g-force.jpg